The Bread
Bread is flour, water, fire.
An ancient but always fascinating art, even in a fast-moving world.
He needs excellent raw materials, time and the skilled hands of the baker who caresses him and works it to the point of becoming a joy for the palate.
We accept and use only a slow natural leavening, because good bread is made with chariot and mother yeast.
Every morning about 20 different types of bread are baked, from the classic Romans to the most special special breads.
We were trained by master bakers such as Pier Giorgio Giorilli and Matteo Cunsolo of the Club Richemont.
We have reported on this square the way we make bread, real bread with sourdough and the necessary time, without semi-finished or prepared.
We make the most particular palates happy with the wholemeal flour of various grains, the Kamut, the rye, the unleavened bread, our multi-grain, the seasoned breads and many more
Roman Pizza alla Pala
With flour, water, salt, baking powder, sugar and a long natural leavening we roast the classic Roman pizza every day.
It is not distorted, but respected for its simplicity … for its being.
In our laboratory completely in sight from 07 to 21 we knead and bake the classic white pizza, the red,
the pizzas with the fior di latte of a small artisan dairy, the zucchini flowers, the vegetables of our partner organic farm, the mushrooms, the burrata and all that for us goes with a fine, light and easy to digest pizza.